
Health Office Protocols

There will be two separate rooms for students: one for basic first aid situations and the other for students exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19. Students exhibiting possible COVID-19 symptoms will be isolated from others. 

  • Communication: Upon notification of a positive result of any individual in school buildings or on school grounds the Head of School will state and local health department immediately
    • Students, families, faculty, and staff must immediately notify the School if someone in their household tests positive for COVID-19 or if they or their child has been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.
  • An individual tests positive for COVID-19: Individual should follow the recommendations of their healthcare provider for isolation protocol. 
  • Returning to school: With doctor’s approval at least 10 days have passed since symptoms appeared; at least 72 hours fever-free without using fever-reducing medication, and all other symptoms have subsided. A doctor’s note must be provided. 
  • Contact tracing: The Cathedral School will be collaborating with the Department of Health to conduct contact tracing. Upon notification of a positive case on campus, the district’s Department of School Health Services will also communicate with administration to track movement of the person who tested positive and secure affected areas. Impacted individuals will be notified.
  • The School will maintain confidentiality throughout the tracing process as required by federal and state law and regulations.