Arrival and Dismissal
- The Cathedral School will establish arrival and dismissal procedures to minimize crowding and transmission of COVID-19, including drop-off and pick-up points for walkers. Special education students and bus riders will be prioritized to decrease foot traffic.
- Dismissal procedures will include transition directives and pathways that limit the mixing of cohorts of students. Signage will be provided to remind students and parents of the traffic flow pattern upon entrance and exit of school grounds.
- Additionally, The Head of School will establish a rainy-day plan. All arrival and dismissal plans will allow for social distancing where possible. Staff throughout dismissal will supervise students. Students will always be required to wear their face covering during dismissal.
- Dismissal procedures will include a staggered entrance and exit of the school.
- The Head of School will create site-based protocols for all late arrival and early pickup. Parents/guardians picking students up will have to wait in the designated area, with face covering, and students will be escorted to them.