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High School Acceptance List


The Cathedral School excels in preparing all students for high school, college and the challenges beyond. Through the dedicated efforts of our High School Admission Advisor, who works closely with our middle school students and their families, our students are accepted into some of the finest high schools in New York City. 

Below is the list of acceptances for our graduating classes:



Regis High School, The Chapin School, The Nightingale-Bamford School, Convent of the Sacred Heart, Marymount School of New York, Loyola School,* Trevor Day School, Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School, Poly Prep, Ethical Culture Fieldston School, The Hewitt School, St. Vincent Ferrer,* Monsignor Scanlan High School,* Dominican Academy, Fordham Preparatory School,* La Salle Academy, The Ursuline School, Cardinal Spellman High School, Xavier High School,* Calhoun School, Notre Dame School of Manhattan


The Bronx High School of Science, Brooklyn Latin School, The High School for Math, Science and Engineering at City College, Eleanor Roosevelt High School, La Guardia High School of Music and Art and Performing Arts, Millennium High School, Beacon High School, NYC Lab School for Collaborative Studies, Humanities Preparatory Academy, Young Women’s Leadership School, Academy for Scholarship and Entrepreneurship, New York City Museum School



* indicates acceptance with Academic Merit Scholarship