

Every student from Pre-K through Grade 8 performs for his schoolmates and family members in an annual class play. A valued tradition at TCS for as long as can be remembered, Class Plays/Concerts/Musicals Plays allow students to experience public speaking and dramatic performance each year at the School, growing in confidence and in their love of the performing arts. These plays range from Greek Celebrations and Choir Concerts to modern-day fairy tales and musical dramas and are directed by (and occasionally written by!) the individual homeroom teachers with the aid of a professional drama teacher. Each play is fully costumed and the boys help with set design and painting, lighting, sound and stage management as age-appropriate. 

In addition to the class plays, there are several other performance traditions every year. Pre-K students perform in the annual Thanksgiving Event, the OXI-Day, and Grades 1-8 sing the carols in the annual Christmas Concert. Middle School students will also perform an annual School Musical. Musicals are performed in the evening for parents and friends and are an important rallying point for The Cathedral School community each year.