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Parents Association










The Parents Association (PA) is driven to enhance and enrich our children's experience at the Cathedral School. Cathedral offers a highly nurturing and dynamic experience for our children and every year the PA builds on that strong foundation.


The PA’s mission is to:


  • To bring parents together, in good cooperation, for the purpose of promoting the welfare of children at the school and home environments.

  • Maintain a safe environment for the children to grow and learn.

  • Promote the Cathedral School in the community in order to attract new students who will take advantage of and benefit from its good educational environment.

  • To raise funds through donations, contributions, grants, school events or other legitimate means.


The PA looks forward to working with each and every family throughout the year. We encourage families to volunteer for an event, attend our monthly meetings, become a class parent and communicate your ideas with us.


We hope you will be inspired to support our organization, which truly is your organization.


The Cathedral School is a non­profit 501(c)(3) organization. All contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. No goods or services were received in lieu of this donation.

Latest News

Town Hall Meeting - December 5 at 6:30pm Featured Photo

Town Hall Meeting - December 5 at 6:30pm

Our School Board invites all parents to a Town Hall Meeting on Monday, December 5 at 6:30pm in Chiotes Hall.

The topic of discussion: The Cathedral School 2022/2023

We hope to see you there!
Goodies & Gifts Holiday Fundraiser: November 14 - December 5 Featured Photo

Goodies & Gifts Holiday Fundraiser: November 14 - December 5

Yesterday, we began our online fundraiser for our TCS Teachers' Wish List!
This money will go towards classroom supplies that our teachers requested for this academic school year. Please help us raise money up until December 5.

Only items purchased with the link provided below and during this time period will help us raise money that will go towards our Teachers' Wish List. Here's two ways to help:

SHOP: Buy for yourself or purchase gifts for friends and family... Christmas is right around the corner, so, you can start your shopping early! Click on this link for easy one click shopping:

SHARE: Invite friends and family to shop by sharing your online store link using social media, text and email. The more you share, the greater the sales!

PA Calendar