
Yearbook Recognition Ads

Dear Cathedral School Community, 
It's that time of year again. The yearbook staff is pleased to offer you the opportunity to personalize your child's yearbook with a recognition ad. We will be honoring our fifth grade graduating class....TCS Class of 2021.  A recognition ad will make the yearbook even more special for your family.
You have a choice of sizes:
Full Page - 8 x 10 inches - $180
Half Page - 8 x 5 inches - $105
Quarter Page - 4 x 5 inches - $80
Send us your recognition ad as a JPG (at least 300 dpi) or PDF to [email protected] no later than May 07.  You must stay within the size guidelines listed above. 
If you choose to use text from a poem or song, copyright requires that you use four lines at most. 
Please note that it is not possible to include ads once we have submitted the pages to the printer. No ads will be accepted after Friday, May 07, 2021 as this will delay the production and delivery of the yearbook.
We look forward to your contribution to the 2021 yearbook adding to your child's memories of the 2020-21 academic year. 
TCS Yearbook Committee
Ad Page Sizes